
Hello everyone!

I'm german, so why i'm writing English? Because its the language in Omegle! Omegle is a site where you can meet strangers from all over the world. And it certainly is anonymous! In Omegle you can meet the coolest and nicest people and you'll never meet the same person again, thats nearly impossible. But of course there also really ass holes and perverts. But then you can say easy:

On this site we collect the funniest and coolest chats for you. Enjoy!

Hei Leute!
Ich bin Deutsch, wieso ist hier dann alles Englisch? Weil es die Sprache in Omegle ist! Omegle ist eine Seite, auf der man neue Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennenlernen kann: Strangers (Fremde). Und es ist ganz sicher anonym! In Omegle kannst du die coolsten und nettesten Leute treffen und niemals die gleiche Person erneut! Das ist fast unmöglich. Aber natürlich gibt es auch ziemliche Arschlöcher und Perverslinge. Aber in diesem Fall lässt sich schnell und einfach sagen:

In diesem Blog sammeln wir die lustigsten und verrücktesten Gespräche mit unseren Lieblings-Strangern ;) Viel Spaß!


Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

(17) Nobody likes Indians

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: fuckkk me
You: 20 m india and pls dont disconnect me im so sad that everyone disconnect me when i say that i am 20 male and from india
You: sure i can
You: :D
You: want to be your super friend

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hey
Stranger: Hai!
Stranger: :D
Stranger: >;D
You: 20 m India
You: ha ha
Stranger: >_>

Stranger: I dont like indians. D:
Stranger: DXX
Stranger: DIE
Stranger: >;D
You: why?
You: :(
Stranger: :o
Stranger: because..
You: im sad now
Stranger: they're scaryy.
Stranger: x_x
Stranger: awh
Stranger: -gives tissue- there there.
Stranger: ;3
You: why do everyone say that indians are stupid
You: i hate u
You: i hate u all!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: RACIST
Stranger: ;3
You: i want to be your super friend
Stranger: Wait.
Stranger: TERRIOST
Stranger: :D
Stranger: >_>
You: facebook?
Stranger: I have a "super friend"
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: o_o
You: i want to be your friend
Stranger: Im maleeeeeee too
Stranger: :D
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: >:D
You: dont want to lose you
Stranger: o_O
Stranger: you'll stalk me?
Stranger: o__o
Stranger: Fine, i'll add you!
Stranger: :D
Stranger: OK I WONT
Stranger: GOSHH
You: wuHU
You: :(
Stranger: ;o
Stranger: >_>
Stranger has disconected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
Stranger: happy hogmanay :-)

You: 20 m Indian here
You: and uuuu?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hii
You: 20 m India here
You: i want to become your superfriend
You: huhu?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: HI
Stranger: hi
You: 20 m India here
You: :)
You: how are you
Stranger: 15, girl and denmark here.. i'm fine, how are u?
You: you dont hate me?
You: because everyone hates indians :/
Stranger: i can't see why i should..
You: do you want to become my friend
Stranger: oh, i'll be right back, something fun on television :P
You: you are nice and i dont want to lose you
You: :(:(
You: :(
You: huuhuuu
You: heeeeey
You: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
You: heee there
You: im booooored
You: suuuupeeeerfriend
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hey
You: 20 m India heree
You: searching a superfriend
Stranger: im them
You: what?
Stranger: the superfriend
Stranger: i love you alreaddy
You: OMG i thought i would never find you!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: asl?
You: haha
You: 20 m India
Stranger: got cam
You: nope
You: want to be your superfriend
You: fb?
Stranger: thnx
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
Stranger: Hey
You: 20 m India here
Stranger: 20 f india as well hah :)
You: huuuuuh how cool
You: its 4:00 am :D
You: oh 4:22
You: sry
Stranger: I know! Whats your story?
You: i couldn sleep
You: and urs?
Stranger: Aww maybe you should GET DAT DICK OUT CHOW ASS
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

(16) talking with a promi

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
You: aslß
Stranger: vas appenin :) if your a fan , thank you so much for voting for me and the lads on the show and the support so far ! dont give up on 1D in 2011
You: i´m fan of green day and slipknot
You: and who the hell are you?
You: are you corey taylor?
Stranger: zayn :)
You: or shawn crahan?
You: what is zayn?
Stranger: zayn is me ?
Stranger: you from the uk
You: no
Stranger: you heard of the xfactor
You: zayn is the honk from x factor?
You: i know u!
Stranger: honk?
You: zayn malik?
Stranger: whats a honk lol
Stranger: yeah im zayn malik :)
You: do you know slipknot?
You: did you win?
Stranger: yeah ive heard of slipknot :)
Stranger: no we came third :)
You: are you a arabe?
Stranger: again, what is a honk? lol
You: slipknot is better than everyone
You: a honk is a honk
You: sth like a cucumber
Stranger: like a hunk?
Stranger: and no1 is better than one direction ;D
You: no no no
You: slipknot is better
Stranger: no no no my band, one direction is better ;)
You: never!!

You: slipknot makes music in front of 80000 people
You: and you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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(15) Crazy Cucumber

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey :)
You: do you like cucumbers?
Stranger: huh
You: huhu
Stranger: not really
You: :(
You: i collect cucumbers
Stranger: must be fun
You: yeeeeah
You: u can do funny things with them!
Stranger: like eating? '-'
You: noooo
You: stupid question
You: i collect potatos too, and then i talk with them
You: they are my friends you know
Stranger: wow. you must be very popular.
Stranger: i envy you.
You: and potato "isolde" and cucumber "supercucumber" married last week
You: they were sooooo sweet
You: and they will get many little baby cucumbers
Stranger: awwwwwwwww
You: and baby potatos
You: are you a cat?!
Stranger: i bet they love each other a lot
You: cats are very mean
Stranger: no, silly, i'm a dog
You: they eat cucumbers
You: :O
Stranger: i don't eat cucumbers :)
Stranger: or potatoes
You: tomatos!!!!!!!!!!!
You: do you know the ludolfs?
Stranger: no
You: ;(
Stranger: i'm not that popular you know
You: but you are a banana
Stranger: no i'm an orange.
You: OMG!! potatos hate oranges
You: they are enemies!!
Stranger: do they?
You: YES :O
Stranger: gosh, i forgot my armor at the basket
Stranger: '-'
You: you are really crazy
Stranger: so are you *-*
You: i usually don´t talk with crazy people
Stranger: you're a stranger.
You: your boyfriend has a affäre with lady cucmber
Stranger: my orange dad always told me not to speak to strangers
Stranger: nooooo way
Stranger: i'm going to kill him
Stranger: yeeeeeeeeeees
You: piss you
Stranger: dang
Stranger: where is he?
Stranger: TELL ME
Stranger: i know you know
You: in the bathroom!
Stranger: *Jumps to the bathroom*
Stranger: WHEEEERE?
You: in the bedroom!
Stranger: *Jumps to the bedroom*
You: im going to eat a orange
You: wait a minute
Stranger: KILLERRR
Stranger: i'm going to eat a cucumber
Stranger: wait a minute
Stranger: HA

(14) Jessi gets angry :D

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: JUSTIN BIEBERRRR. :* Happy New Year! (:
You: fuck jb
You: hes gay
You: metal for ever
You: !!

You: bitch
You: ass hole
You: fuck you
You: slipknot
You: an die weltherrschaft!

Stranger: :P
You: the big stars
You: jb is very gay
Stranger: lolllllll
You: it´s the true
You: why do you laughing bitch?
Stranger: I LOVE YOU.

You: JUST (!!!) slipknot
You: jb sucks
Stranger: slipknot?
You: you don´t know slipknot??
You: *shocked*
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFJIBtqunHY

You: you know green day?
Stranger: yes.s
You: yeah!!!!!!!
You: and what do you think about slipknot?
Stranger: yuck .
You: fuck you with your little gay justin bieber!! that´s real music!

Stranger: i love you roo
Stranger: too*
You: you are a ass hole

(13) German=Nazi ?!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: Nazi?
You: haa haa
You: germans are no nazis
Stranger: I'm a german I'm allowed to make fun of them
You: hä?
You: du bist deutscher?
Stranger: I'm not that german
You: pls
You: what country?
Stranger: USA born
You: and nowß
Stranger: Same story
Stranger has disconnected

(12) Bad German!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: what should we talk about?
You: good morning
You: hmm
Stranger: top of the mornin to ya as well
You: where are u from?
Stranger: usa
You: oh okey
You: germany here
Stranger: way cool
You: what time is it?
You: in your zone
Stranger: 2:09
You: oh :)
Stranger: am
You: to that time im sleeping usually :)
Stranger: i like to stay up so late its early
You: when do you sleep then?
Stranger: around 5 am
Stranger: may i ask your age?
You: i dont like sleeping over the day, i prefer to leave bed 8:30 am and have an long day :)
You: sure
You: 16
You: yours?
Stranger: 21
Stranger: i took some german in school
You: cool :)
You: german is a weird language
You: dificult
Stranger: meine trauser schlonge ist zer gross
You: was?!
You: haha
You: i dont understand :D
Stranger: spelled it wronf
Stranger disconnected.
You: Ass hole!..

(11) A dirty Omegle?! :O

I couldnt believe my eyes as a stranger sended me that link:

Stranger: Enjoy a better Omegle! www.sexyomegle.com

Omegle turns to something bad :(:(

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

(10) I got kind of craaazy ;)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: indian?
Stranger: yes
You: really?!?!?!?!
Stranger: are u m or f?
Stranger: yesssssssssss
You: i am a witch muahahaha
You: and i can transform you in a little fat pig
You: femaaaale
Stranger: :) lol
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: ok
Stranger: am maleeeeee
Stranger: wats ur name witch?
You: isolde
You: and yours piggi?
Stranger: am siva
You: siva the toilet
You: i know that name
You: in my land siva the toilet is a hero
Stranger: ohh ho ok
Stranger: oooo u r crazy
You: he saved us all from the mean Küchenrolle
You: no im not
You: its the true my boy
Stranger: ok so how old r u
You: 56
You: and you
You: boy
You: honey
You: ?
Stranger: 65
Stranger: lol
You: oh than lets have fun grandpa
Stranger: sure grand child
Stranger: how>
Stranger: ?
You: we can do forbidden things
Stranger: like
You: for example: read winnie pooh storys
Stranger: boring
You: hm tell me something more exciting
Stranger: hmmmmm my cock is hard
Stranger: and so needs ur pusssssssssy to plug in
You: why is your cock hard?
You: did u train it with hanteln?
You: and i dont have a steckdose
You: im very sorry
Stranger: means wat?
You: but i can transform my lamp into a steckdose
You: hihahahuhhahuhi
You: thats what i gonna do
You: so now i have one
You: go on
You: piggi
Stranger: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Stranger: honey
Stranger: u r so sweeeeeeet
Stranger: really
Stranger: u r a good person i like uuuuuuuuuuu a lot
Stranger: wats ur real name dear?
You: isolde
Stranger: goodlucksiva@aol.com this is my id mail me
You: thats an typical name for my country and i am mean because u dont like it pig!
Stranger: i dont want to lose u
Stranger: i want to be ur super frnd
You: thats what all indians say
Stranger: oh ho
Stranger: wer r u frm
You: Hinterpfützingen
You: in Kastalonien
You: and youuu?
You: oh i forgot
You: pigland hihuhahohi
Stranger: honey
Stranger: mail me ok
Stranger: wats ur mail id?
Stranger: i cannot understand?
Stranger: hmmmm hmmmmmmm
Stranger: hey be good to me

(9) Typic Indian guy

Stranger: hi
You: hey there
Stranger: 20m India
You: oh...
Stranger: Do you want to be my friend? FB?
You: Do you know what???
Stranger: u can tell me everything.
You: all my friends in omegle
You: say that
You: are soooo boring
Stranger: your friends are stupid
You have disconnected

(8) Trouble guy

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: asl?
Stranger: bitch
Stranger: srry
You: :O
You: ;)
Stranger: hi
Stranger: that was my brothewr'
Stranger: brother
You: suree
Stranger: m or f
Stranger: bitch
You: u first
Stranger: slut
You: whats your sex ass hole?
Stranger: dick licker
Stranger: jk
You: idiot
You: crumb
Stranger: just messing
You: gay guy
Stranger has disconnectet.

(7) X, female, horny -.-

You: heyy
Stranger: horny?
You: maybe :)
Stranger: m/f?
You: f
Stranger: same
You: ouh :D
Stranger: ;0
You: one question
You: from girl to girl :)
Stranger: oookay
You: do you write dirty with every ages?
You: and countrys
Stranger: no
You: i think indians are very boring ;:)
You: sry if u are indian
Stranger: same!
You: haha :) they seem to be little boys and dont know what to say :)
Stranger: hahah, exactly
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Wählerisch :)

Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

(6) Mr x / fucked with his aunt

Stranger: hi
You: hiiiiiiiiiiiii : D
Stranger: hi asl?
You: 16 f germany
Stranger: r u intrested in males
You: oh yeah i m
Stranger: m 4m india
Stranger: so then
Stranger: .............
You: m4m ???????????????
Stranger: from
You: and first : are you good looking ?
You: : DDD
Stranger: probably not
You: ohh poor you
Stranger: i m black
You: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ßßß
You: oh i think balcks are very attractiv
Stranger: asian colour
You: mhh ...
Stranger: ooh tthax
You: : )
Stranger: r u
You: you re welcome
Stranger: r u beautiful
You: mhh kind of
Stranger: even if not .i likes u
You: : )
Stranger: so......
You: ...................
You: ?
Stranger: r u studying
Stranger: have u done it
You: both :D
Stranger: d means
You: tell em ?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: have u done it?
You: yeah
You: you too ?
Stranger: i mean about sex
You: yeah i mean too
You: my friend
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: wit whom
Stranger: with whome
You: and now you feel cool ?
You: mhh so well how was it ?
Stranger: what?
You: the first sex you ahd
You: *had
Stranger: dat was 2 years b4
Stranger: it was awsom
You: nice
Stranger: wit whom u did it..iasked
You: with my bf ?
Stranger: i did it wit my aunt
You: O.o
You: why that ?
Stranger: see we both wer watching tv one day
Stranger: by c ing i slept
You: and then ?
Stranger: i felt some hands moving under my pants
You: is your aunt a bitch ?
Stranger: den i realized it was her
Stranger: grabbing my dick
Stranger: ya
Stranger: but i lyk her
You: lol and she raps you
Stranger: ya
You: yeah thats cool
Stranger: i she didnt giv a chance to fuck her
Stranger: she boo BJ
Stranger: does BJ
You: wtf ?
Stranger: how was urs
You: oh it was full of love . ) he was so nice and respectuf and well we had so much fun
Stranger: hw it started
You: we were a long time together we talkt about it and mhh then his parents were away and i visit him everywere was candesls
You: and then we kissed us and done it
Stranger: hw big is his
Stranger: how big is urs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

(5) the mysterios omegle chat

Stranger: ��������
Stranger: Welcome to the Omegle Chat Room!
Stranger: You are fourty-two. Use /setname to change your name.
Stranger: Type /help for a list of commands
Stranger: SexKitten: heyy gawjushh
Stranger: (Pwnage): one direction or the wanted?
You: /hey
Stranger: That's not a valid command. Type /help for a list of commands.
Stranger: nicki: Haha
Stranger: Zeb: FatMexican/setname
Stranger: LoDdY: hi you are male or female?!
You: ? : )
Stranger: Admin: you're doing it wrong
Stranger: Zeb: yo yo
You: uhh i ,ove this chat
Stranger: Zeb: HOW DO I DO IT
Stranger: Admin: /setname FatMexican
Stranger: nicki: That's what she said
Stranger: Admin: lolol
Stranger: COOL: wtf
Stranger: moocow: Hi, ich suche ein 16-Jähriges Mädchen hier aus Deutschland.
Ich habe gestern gegen Abend lange mit ihr geschrieben.
Leider vergessen sie nach ihrer e-Mail zu fragen ;D
Wenn du es bist, dann melde dich jetzt mal bitte ;D
You: /young
Stranger: That's not a valid command. Type /help for a list of commands.
Stranger: FatMexican: Niiiiice
Stranger: Admin: there you go
Stranger: Jada: hi
You: hi
Stranger: FatMexican: Thanks Admin
Stranger: Ryoko: Hello
Stranger: Admin: no problem my fat friend
Stranger: Admin: what's up?
You: is it okay if i dont have a name ?
Stranger: FatMexican: So who want's to get down and dirty with me?!
Stranger: Admin: nope
Stranger: Ryoko: Haha, nice try
Stranger: FatMexican: Ryoko, you interested?
Stranger: nicki: Dude, you put a lot of work into this.
You: i dont get how to get one
Stranger: Unknown: ????
You: : D
Stranger: cookie: hi
Stranger: Adii: hi
Stranger: Beardyman: Vas 'appening?! :'D

(4) Jude m 15 Uk /long but not very interesting

You: hey : ) happy 14 years old teenager from germany just want to talk about music and stuff : )
Stranger: Ok kl
Stranger: Ok but m/f ??
You: f
Stranger: Kl
Stranger: I'm a m
You: mhh
You: lol when i wirte this evry one is shocked : D
Stranger: Lol y ?
You: so how are you ?
Stranger: I'm Gd :)
Stranger: Wbu ?
You: fine too : )
Stranger: Gd :D
You: yeah
Stranger: Ur 14 ?
You: mhh
Stranger: From where ?
You: thats right
You: germany
Stranger: Kl :)
You: asl ?
Stranger: Hate this question !!
You: sry ...
Stranger: Np
You: okay where you from ?
Stranger: K
Stranger: I'm from uk
Stranger: 15 yrs old :P
Stranger: And a m
Stranger: Gd enough ?
You: : ) nice and for what you re lokking for ?
Stranger: Nothing ! :S
Stranger: Anyway lol
You: cool :) have you hobbies ?
Stranger: Yep loads of em
You: tell me : )
Stranger: 1st football (every boys favorite hobby)
Stranger: Swimming
You: ^^
Stranger: Horseriding :D
You: really ?
You: xD
Stranger: Yep :))
You: sweet ; P
Stranger: Haha Thanx :)
Stranger: Wbu ?
You: mhh music handball ( you know ?) snowboarding piano friends.. all this normal stuff : D
Stranger: Have any hobbies ?? :P
You: : P
Stranger: Woow cool :))
You: oh and dance
Stranger: Dance Woow :))
Stranger: Nice :D
You: horsriding is cooler ; D
Stranger: Lol Yh think so :P
Stranger: It's hard 2 learn tho
Stranger: :p
Stranger: I fell like 50 times
You: really? looks easy
Stranger: I broke my arm twice :P
You: xD
Stranger: NOOO
Stranger: It's sooo hard
You: okay sry
You: poor boy
Stranger: Lol I k w
Stranger: I knw
Stranger: But that was like 2 months ago
You: i broke my arme 2 times
Stranger: Is it ?
Stranger: Lol same as me
You: yeah it hurts : )
Stranger: YHH I KNOOOW
Stranger: It feels like something burning in Ur arm
Stranger: :P
You: but i can t imagine so good i was younger there..
Stranger: Ohh ok
Stranger: I cut my finger when I was 5
You: : ) öhm what kind of riding you do dressur or jumping `?
You: ohhhh shit
You: thats hard
Stranger: Lol Yhhhhh I knw
Stranger: It was in legoland
Stranger: A stupid woman closed the gate on my finger
Stranger: Police and ambulance came
You: oha thats arrrgg
Stranger: Lol i knw :(
You: what they did with the woman ?
Stranger: They took her to court
Stranger: N then 2 jail 4 2 days :D
You: ?? and you finger is right know ?
Stranger: YEES
Stranger: It's healed :)
Stranger: Well it's not all my finger
Stranger: It's only the tip
You: ive got lots of concussions when i was younger : )
You: was so often in hospital and all : D
Stranger: Lool
Stranger: U Wer active Wen u Wer young :P
You: yeah : ) know i like it more to chill out ; )
Stranger: Lol yh
You: do you this typical englsih sport öhm i think it called polo ?
You: this were you ride your horse in a game
Stranger: No
Stranger: I train in a farm
Stranger: There is a farm in the country side
You: mhh okay
Stranger: Lol I train there
You: and you live in town ?
Stranger: Yh
Stranger: I live in central London :D
You: WOW : )
Stranger: But I go to the farm every week :)
You: sounds cool so you have kind of village live and kind of town live ...
Stranger: No No
You: ?? okay
You: whats false ?
Stranger: False ?
Stranger: It means not true
You: sry : )
Stranger: Lol it's ok :)
Stranger: Well I live in town
You: i m not so good in englsih ; )
Stranger: But my da has a farm
Stranger: NOOO UR GD :))
You: dont slime ....
You: : P
Stranger: Smile u mean
You: nop
Stranger: Lol ok sry :P
You: i mean dont be so nice and say lots of good thinks so that i think oh very nice guy ; D
Stranger: Wat ?
Stranger: O ok
Stranger: Lol ok I'm bad :P
Stranger: Like u r german Nd Ur English is like that
Stranger: It's Gd
You: yeah okay : D
You: gentlemens ^^
Stranger: Lool
Stranger: There is no s in the end of gentlemen
Stranger: :P :P
You: : P okay i m bad
Stranger: Noo
Stranger: I'm jus joking :P
You: i get it : P
Stranger: Haha kl :)
You: me too ^^
Stranger: Lol Gd :))
Stranger: Btw Wer in Germany do u live ??
You: mhh okay do you know any places in germany `?
You: mhh maybee bayern ?
Stranger: Well Yh some :P
Stranger: O ok
Stranger: Don't really knw it :P
You: okay never mind i live in a little village but its cool there : )
Stranger: Woow Gd :D
Stranger: It's better 2 live in a village
Stranger: All piece and quiet
Stranger: I luv 2 live in a village
You: mhh i dont know how is it to live in town so...
Stranger: Lucky u :P
Stranger: It's sooooo noisy
Stranger: I barely sleep :P
You: : ) yeah i like it theres a river and some lakes wehre you can t swimm in the summer : )
You: : P
Stranger: Awww luckkkkky u !!!!!!
Stranger: We don't do anything here
Stranger: I jus go with friends
You: but shopping must be great in london... i could imagine that there lots of interesting shops ..
Stranger: YEES A LOOOT
You: were did you go with friends ?
You: whats you fav shop ?
You: : )
Stranger: Lol ok
Stranger: There is a mall
Stranger: Called westfield
Stranger: It's the biggest mall in Europe :P
You: : D
Stranger: Everything is there :)
Stranger: Cinema resturants
You: cool : )
Stranger: Yh :)
Stranger: But in a village
Stranger: U can go walk in the woods
You: :P
Stranger: Breath some healthy fresh air :P
Stranger: U knw
You: yeah ^^
Stranger: Agh Nd u can go fishing
Stranger: Lucky u :))
You: but many books play in london it must be fantastic to read them and know all the places ...
You: mhh fishing is not so easy
Stranger: Yh like Harry potter
You: you just could do this if you re allowd to and bla
Stranger: Yh lol
You: yeah : )
Stranger: I've been to the castle
Stranger: Of Harry potter :D
Stranger: It's real u knw
You: ?????????
Stranger: Seriously !!!!!!!
You: i ve never heard from
Stranger: It's real
Stranger: U knw Harry potter ?
You: very cool : )
You: yeha of course
Stranger: Yh do u knw the castle ?
Stranger: Hogwards
You: mhh yeah with the hall wich looks liek the sky ...
You: *like
Stranger: Yh lol
Stranger: The castle is real
Stranger: Like it's built real
Stranger: But the things inside it r fake
You: : ( and the lake and the tree ?
Stranger: Yes the lake is real
Stranger: It's very small tho
Stranger: But the tree dunno :P
You: : D ive googeld it : ) you re rigth looks great
Stranger: Yh lol :)
Stranger: Anyway :P
Stranger: Merry Christmas :D
You: yeah and a happy new year : D
Stranger: Thank u :))
Stranger: So..
You: you re welcome :P
Stranger: :)
You: hey you have fb ?
You: so.. ?
Stranger: Yeah of course :)
Stranger: I do :)
You: want to add me ?
Stranger: Yh sure :D
Stranger: Wats Ur name ?? :P
You: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000164051449
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: U knw I was talking to u the whole time from my phone :P
You: wow
Stranger: I'm not on the pc :P
You: you re good in multitasking
Stranger: Haha kinda :p
Stranger: Nice 2 meet u btw :D
You: ahh know i get i you write me with you phone ?
You: *your
Stranger: Yes
You: what kind of you have ?
You: iphone ? : D
Stranger: I have an iPhone 4
Stranger: Yep :D
You: huuu : )
Stranger: Theres an app called omegle
You: lol : )
Stranger: I just downloaded it :)
Stranger: Lol :P
You: mhh : ) thats cool you buyed in on yourself ?
Stranger: Em well my dad bought it 4 me
Stranger: :P
Stranger: :)
You: cool : )
You: thats nice
Stranger: Thank u :))
You: my dad works by nokia ..
You: you know ?
Stranger: Wow
Stranger: Nokia ?
You: öhm yeah
Stranger: Like he works in the nokia company ?
You: thats right
Stranger: Woow cool :))
You: mhh its okay : )
Stranger: So obviously u have a nokia :P
You: yeah : )
Stranger: Wat kind of nokia ?
Stranger: :P
You: and he never would buy me a iphone : )
You: n8 you know ?
Stranger: Ooooh yes I do
Stranger: Its new :))
Stranger: Nd very nice
You: i like it : )
Stranger: I've seen it in the advertisements :D
Stranger: Cool :D
Stranger: Do u have any brothers or sisters ?
Stranger: :P
You: yeah two little bros
You: and you ?
Stranger: Lol donut the oldest ?
Stranger: I mean Ur the oldest ? **
You: yeah they re terrible : D fighting all the time xD
Stranger: Lool :P
You: whats with you ?
Stranger: Well I have a big bro
Stranger: Nd a big sis
Stranger: Nd 2 lil sis's
Stranger: :P
You: wow big family : D
Stranger: Yep :P
Stranger: I fight with my big sis a looooooot
Stranger: She's so selfish :P
Stranger: Nd bossy-.-
You: : D
Stranger: Lol :P
You: oh poor poor guy : P
Stranger: Lol i knw
You: i really want to have a bib brother ...
You: *big
Stranger: Noo lol
Stranger: I wish I was the oldest
Stranger: If u have a big bro
You: then ?
Stranger: Hel jus boss u around
Stranger: Cuz Ur jus younger than him :P
Stranger: Like he has 2 get the best
You: mhh but he could takes you with him and saves you from bad people ... : D
Stranger: Well ..
You: you can borrow clothes from him
Stranger: Yh sometimes :P
You: you could ask him he coulds help you
You: : )
Stranger: Yh sometimes :P
Stranger: Yh but he gets to have the best
You: mhh that right : D
Stranger: Like he has 2 have an apple laptop
Stranger: Nd I have to have a shit dell
Stranger: :P
You: : D i dont have a own laptop : D mymother hates this electronic stuff ....
Stranger: Lol my mother 2
Stranger: But my dad love these stuff
You: but belive me if you re the oldest you ahd to fight for your rights and the others become they esyear
You: same here
Stranger: Lol yh
Stranger: But u have the power to boss the younglings
Stranger: Like Ur lil bros
You: : P muahaha
Stranger: U can boss e
Stranger: Them
Stranger: Me
Stranger: My sis hits me
You: when they really little yes
You: but know they dont listen to me
Stranger: Lol Yh
You: xD you sis hits you : P
Stranger: YES
You: and then what do you do ?
Stranger: Nd I hit her back
Stranger: She hits me again
Stranger: I hit her bak
You: ping pong
Stranger: Lool
Stranger: Till 1 of us cries :P
You: : ) i don t hit my brothers i do that with words : P
Stranger: Yh thats Wat girls do
You: : P
Stranger: They r not rough
Stranger: But boys
Stranger: Only hitting :P
Stranger: No words
Stranger: :P
You: : D mhh sometimes thats better : )
Stranger: Yhh boys r lazy :P
Stranger: They r not bothered 2 talk
Stranger: They jus hit :P
Stranger: Like me :P
You: xD
You: i n germany boy dont hit girls
You: *boys
Stranger: I don't hit girls I don't kne
Stranger: Knw*
You: but you sister... ^^
Stranger: I only hit my sis Nd my bro
Stranger: I mean I don't hit girls I dont knw
Stranger: Like any random gorl
You: yeah
Stranger: Girl**
Stranger: So Yh :p
You: thats nice : D
Stranger: Thanx :))
Stranger: Yh :))
Stranger: Wat time is it now ?
Stranger: In Germany ? :P
You: round 10pm
Stranger: Woow
You: in lodon ?
You: *london
Stranger: It's like 9 here
Stranger: :P
You: mhh one hour
Stranger: Yh
Stranger: ;p
Stranger: Wats Ur name btw ?
You: when you usualy go to bed ?
Stranger: :P
Stranger: Eeemm well
You: i m johanna my friends call me jojo
Stranger: At 12 11
You: and your?
Stranger: Lol ok jojo
Stranger: My name is a lil strange :P
You: : D i love srange names
You: *strange
Stranger: Lol ok :))
Stranger: It's Jude :P
You: mhh : D
Stranger: A lil strange
Stranger: :PP
You: nerver heard that thats a name : D
Stranger: Yhh i knw :P
Stranger: Is a name of a priest
Stranger: Long time agi
Stranger: Ago**
Stranger: There's a priest called Jude :P
Stranger: So Yh :P
You: ahh nice : )
Stranger: Thnx :))
You: so you parent are catholics and belive in god usw .. ?
Stranger: Naaaa
Stranger: Na na
Stranger: Not Catholics
Stranger: Lol :P
You: protestanst
You: ?
Stranger: No
Stranger: Wbu ? :P
You: protestant
Stranger: Oh kl
Stranger: :P
You: : ) you ahve this special religion in uk right?
You: they dont wantet the papst ....
You: or so
Stranger: Eeem no :P
Stranger: Well
Stranger: I was a Christian
Stranger: It's a lil complicated :P
Stranger: I was a Christian Wen i was a lil kid
You: an then ?
Stranger: Well then
You: : )
Stranger: My parents converted 2 another religion
You: and you ?
Stranger: Which is Islam :P
You: xD that funny
You: how that comes ?
Stranger: Lol Yh kinda
Stranger: So I was 7
Stranger: N they taught me about this religion
Stranger: So yh
You: youre islam
Stranger: I'm a Muslim mixed with Christian :P
Stranger: Like I'm both :P
You: cool : )
Stranger: Haha :P
Stranger: Kl :D
Stranger: So ..
You: mhh ?
Stranger: Mhh ? So ?
Stranger: Wuu2 ?
Stranger: :P
You: wuu2?
Stranger: Wat u up to now ? :P
Stranger: It
Stranger: Means Wat u up to :P
Stranger: Like Wat r doing now ? :P
You: ahh : )
You: okay : D
Stranger: :)
You: to be honest i do nothing exept chatting with you : D
Stranger: Lol I knw
You: and you ?
Stranger: Well to be very honest
Stranger: Honestly I'm chatting 2 u xD
Stranger: :P
You: : PP
You: oh and i m lisening to music
Stranger: O kl
Stranger: Wat music do u like ? :P
Stranger: A lot Isnit :P
Stranger: Cuz that was Ur question from the beginning :P
You: mhh i tell tell you my fav bands : green day , ac/DC, rise against, the offspring, billy talent, linkin park ,nirvana
You: `???
Stranger: Woow kl :)
Stranger: Nvm :P
Stranger: Me
You: yeah what do you like ?
Stranger: I like artists eminem, b.o.b, kesha lil Wayne jay Sean cherly Cole tpain black eyed peas gls
Stranger: :P
You: : P
Stranger: :)
You: okay i think when its about music we have nothing in common : D
Stranger: Yhh lol I think
Stranger: Only 1
Stranger: I like linkin park 2
You: : )
Stranger: :))
Stranger: Yh :)
Stranger: Fun convo :D
Stranger: A long 1 too
You: yeha i think that was the longest i ever had
You: : D
Stranger: Yh lol me 2
Stranger: :))
Stranger: Nice 2 meet u btw
You: yeah same here
Stranger: :))
You: wow sometimes i kilck sb away wich i really liked ....
You: and then i m so angry on myself : D
Stranger: Lool
Stranger: Wats sb ?
Stranger: :P
You: somebody : ) sry : ) ithougt you could say that so : )
Stranger: Lol ok :)
Stranger: Yh
You: i often mix this shortcuts ... and if someone use them i often dont get it : D
Stranger: Lool
Stranger: Me 2 so
Stranger: Sometimes
Stranger: They r so complicated
Stranger: :P
You: : ) yeah but your native speaker : D
Stranger: Yh kinda :P
You: mhh : )
Stranger: :)
Stranger: I crap I think I have 2 go now :(((
Stranger: My dad jus came
You: mhh okay ...
You: say greetings ; D
Stranger: I have 2 go eat with him :P
You: to you sister
Stranger: Thnxx :))
Stranger: Lool ok i will :D
You: and add me on fb : D
Stranger: Say greetings 2 Ur bros
Stranger: Ok dw
Stranger: I'll add u now
Stranger: My name is Jude merzah
You: : ) oaky : ) in german i would say know : n gudn
Stranger: Lol wats that ?
Stranger: It means good bye ?
Stranger: :P
You: it means that i wish you that the food is delicios
You: or kind of this : )
Stranger: Aww thank u :D
Stranger: U 2 have a great day :)!
You: yeha you to ... caio then : )
You: *ciao
Stranger: Cya then
Stranger: Tc Hun xx :))
Stranger: Byee :)
You: : ) tc hun xx ???
Stranger: Lol it means take care
You: okay the take care jude : )
Stranger: U 2 jojo :P
Stranger: I'll talk 2 u on fb
Stranger: Cya then
Stranger: Byee x
You: i ve added you already ciao
Stranger: Haha ok Gd :D
Stranger: I'll accept
You: hope so : D
Stranger: lol Dw Ur a Gd friend
You: damn klick me away know your dad s waiting : )
Stranger: Haha ok lol he is :P
Stranger: Cya
You: ciao
Stranger: Bye x