
Hello everyone!

I'm german, so why i'm writing English? Because its the language in Omegle! Omegle is a site where you can meet strangers from all over the world. And it certainly is anonymous! In Omegle you can meet the coolest and nicest people and you'll never meet the same person again, thats nearly impossible. But of course there also really ass holes and perverts. But then you can say easy:

On this site we collect the funniest and coolest chats for you. Enjoy!

Hei Leute!
Ich bin Deutsch, wieso ist hier dann alles Englisch? Weil es die Sprache in Omegle ist! Omegle ist eine Seite, auf der man neue Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennenlernen kann: Strangers (Fremde). Und es ist ganz sicher anonym! In Omegle kannst du die coolsten und nettesten Leute treffen und niemals die gleiche Person erneut! Das ist fast unmöglich. Aber natürlich gibt es auch ziemliche Arschlöcher und Perverslinge. Aber in diesem Fall lässt sich schnell und einfach sagen:

In diesem Blog sammeln wir die lustigsten und verrücktesten Gespräche mit unseren Lieblings-Strangern ;) Viel Spaß!


Dienstag, 2. August 2011

indians are unbelivable stupid

You: hey (:
You: how are you ?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: what hapeen?
You: what ?
You: : D
Stranger: i am good but i think oyu are not
You: why not `?
You: im fine : O
Stranger: nothing?
You: hey youre strange
Stranger: yes i am
Stranger: just guessing
Stranger: leave it
Stranger: whats your name?
You: haha who is not ?
You: what shall i leave ?
You: im johanna
You: and you ?
Stranger: basu
Stranger: age
You: tell me you from india and i disconnect
Stranger: fuck you mother fucker..........
You: : P
Stranger: indian i am
You: haha
You: im genius
Stranger: ok i agree
Stranger: you are
Stranger: so
You: so what ?
Stranger: you tell
Stranger: if you want then dissconnect me
Stranger: by the way i am indian ....hi i am basu...not like other indians
You: haha sure i disconnect when i want
Stranger: why you hate indians
You: haha you like all indians thats the reason id knwo you are one : D
Stranger: you are such a bitch
You: 'kay
Stranger: how you know my id
You: your opinion
You: you id ?
You: i dont know your id
Stranger: ok
Stranger: so why you are talking to me
You: idk : D
Stranger: idk means?
You: no hobbys no friends ^^
You: haha i dont know =idk
Stranger: yaaa your attitude shows that
You: : D
You: haha joking
Stranger: hey where are you from?
You: ironic you know ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: you tell me?
You: uhm no : D
Stranger: hey you are here for sex chat or a nice chat...what type of girl you are?
You: im a nice one : D
You: haha and ill never have sex chat with you xD
Stranger: i don't think so
You: haha lol
You: i dont give a fuck on your opinion :P
Stranger: hey i will never fuck a girl who hate indians otherwise its called rape
Stranger: hey but you can suck my cock
You: hey you really dont get it : D
Stranger: just its free to you lol hahhaa
Stranger: ok i am sorry
You: hey dont show you dumber then you are
Stranger: just jocking because you hate indians
Stranger: ok i will not say
You: id never said that i hate indians : D
You: haha
You: and thats not funny
Stranger: earily you guess that i am indian
You: yeah rigth
Stranger: hey what do you like or you like or you are a angry girl always
You: im not angry : D
You: you are xD
Stranger: but the way you talk it shows
Stranger: whats your age?
You: guess
Stranger: maa ki aakh
Stranger: less than 20 i gyuess
You: : D
You: and i guess you 20 or 21
Stranger: yaa hahaha i am 20
Stranger: so please do you love me?
You: are you kidding ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: age?
Stranger: ok as oyur wish
You: you fail
Stranger: in what?
Stranger: fuck off basant never fails...
You: : D
You: you did right now
Stranger: what atleast tell me what i did?
You: no
Stranger: why?
You: no special reason
You: ahhh cause you failed : D
Stranger: hey johanna please tell me what i did...?
You: no i wont
You: cause you wont get it
Stranger: i will take care of oyu baby fuck off i will never say like this??
Stranger: hahahahja
You: : DDD
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: now i am jocking
You: you already failed you can say whatever you want it wont change
Stranger: ok i am fail
You: rigth
Stranger: hey so well i am fail let me guess how you are ...................you are such a that type of girl who talks so much.......
You: mhh idk
You: why do you think so ?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: and you doesn't believe in any person
You: i belive in me and my friends : D
You: everyone get a change till he fails : D
Stranger: because i think you have fallen in love with some one and you didn't get him or you leave him
You: haha i guess you have fallen for one and dont get her
You: im right ?
Stranger: i think you are like me ...as i don't believe in friendship and god
You: xD
You: you make me laught all time
Stranger: yaa know all said like this that i do like this always
Stranger: yes i don't get her
Stranger: she doesn't love me
Stranger: leave it
You: im really really goodin guesing : D
Stranger: thast why i am here in omegal
Stranger: now cool
You: ohhh poor you : P
Stranger: just with me....nice luck with me
You: xD
You: whats with you `?
Stranger: thast why i love you
You: haha now you love me ?
You: its getting funnier and funnyier : D
Stranger: you ARE a good guesser with me only not with others
You: how can you know ?
Stranger: i don't love a bitch
You: kay : D
Stranger: you are fool dear thats why..
Stranger: hey so i make oyu laugh
Stranger: atleast tell me "am i a jocker that i make you laugh"
Stranger: ok wanna disconnect me?
You: hey
You: : D
Stranger: of course you can my love
You: sry get sidrecaed
You: xD yeah sure i can everything i want
Stranger: ok
Stranger: then how you look like?
You: the way i look
You: : D
You: have you friends ?
You: i guess not much
You: : D
You: not much good ones
Stranger: oh oh i means your nature
Stranger: looks doesn't matter nature matters
Stranger: now oyu can laughj
You: whhaat ?
Stranger: hey do yopu have boyfriend?
You: no i dont
Stranger: age?
You: guess again ?
Stranger: i am so bad guesser...
You: i know : D
Stranger: give me clue?
You: no clue i ll say yes or no
Stranger: ok
You: you can guess 3 times
Stranger: just say yes or no to me...just imagine can oyu bw my girlfriend
You: xDDD
You: youre a big joke : D
You: haha
You: lol
You: was this a serious question ?
Stranger: yaa in this way i will guess
You: WTF NO !
You: xD
Stranger: please tell me oyu are more than 20 or less than
You: no
You: guess 3 numbers
Stranger: 230
You: false im not 230
You: 2nd change ?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: dear 18 i love you
Stranger: am i right or wrong?
You: 18 is wrong
You: and you love me is wrong too
Stranger: last chance ok
You: last change
You: : D
Stranger: 22 i like you the way you talk ...i know i wil miss you......its my last chace....to impress you...again i love you?
You: im not 22 and you dont love me
Stranger: i love you i can prove that
You: haha
You: kay do it
You: : D
You: how do you ll prove it ?
Stranger: i can kiss you now?
You: if you want to get hit ?
Stranger: i am ready to get hit .....
You: : D
You: your problem
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i am ready
Stranger: can i kiss you now?
You: hey thats not my probleme
You: and why should that be a proove fot love ?
Stranger: yaa in this you are also right
Stranger: but just tell me oyur age because i don't want to kiss a older lady like you?
You: im 15 XD
Stranger: ok
Stranger: now i can kiss oyu??
You: ill knock you out if you do
Stranger: hey ok i am ready by the way after some time you will do the same because you don't like me
Stranger: hey princess i love you uuuuuummmmmhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa
Stranger: this is my kiss
You: you fail
You: -knockes you out-
You have disconnected.

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