You: hey : )
Stranger: from?
You: wunderful weather today
You: germany
Stranger: cool
Stranger: i plan to learn german this summer
You: nice wehere you from ?
Stranger: chn
You: wahts that ?
You: we dont have chn in germany ?
Stranger: i mean i'm chinese
You: okay mhh now i ve failed
Stranger: may i have your name please
You: noo
You: names dont care
You: i could tell you a it about me if you like
You: oaky oaky
You: my name i s hatschi
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i'm gloria
Stranger: nice to meet u hatschi
You: okay hey
Stranger: though i don't know how to read it
You: what would you say if i tell you tha ti m the easterbunny ?
Stranger: u mean...
Stranger: what is easterbunny
You: its a bunny wich comes on the easterparty
You: you never heard from ?
Stranger: yeah
You: there i just could say : trus in the honor
You: *trust
Stranger: lol
You: huuuuhuuu
Stranger: do u love soccer
You: yeah ilooove my socks really ive gotso much
You: in alll colors
You: my gandmothere
You: makes them for mw
You: e
Stranger: i mean do u love playing football
You: ???? foot ball
Stranger: yeah
You: i eat my foos i dont play with it
You: *food
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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