You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Welcome to an unofficial Omegle group chat system! This chatroom is made possible by a simple Python script; you are not being trolled. By entering the chatroom, you agree to behave civilly and not to use sexually explicit, discriminatory, or otherwise offensive language. To agree to these terms and enter the chatroom, please type "I agree".
You: hey ho
You: i agree
Stranger: Welcome to the chat! Your nickname is: Spider. You can change your nickname at any time by typing /nick followed by the desired name. You can also type /help for a list of available commands.
Stranger: [56] Provolon> yes
Stranger: [40] Cupcake> That's what I read that as.
Stranger: [54] bumdiscourse> WTF filter
You: spider i dont really undertsnad that bullshit
Stranger: [57] Spider> spider i dont really undertsnad that bullpie
Stranger: [54] bumdiscourse> Bum s e x
Stranger: [40] Cupcake> Your mom is a filter.
Stranger: [54] bumdiscourse was removed from the chat.
Stranger: [18] Scart> whats going on here
You: blabla
Stranger: [57] Spider> blabla
You: hu ho?
Stranger: [57] Spider> hu ho?
You: the misteryous chat is back! OMG
Stranger: [57] Spider> the misteryous chat is back! OMG
Stranger: [59] Harbinger's name is now IvanTehFennec.
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> wtf
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> Hi
Stranger: [13] Vixie> saving the world brb!
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> Lol
You: could anybody talk with me
Stranger: [57] Spider> could anybody talk with me
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> Yep
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> Hi
You: this is really going on
Stranger: [57] Spider> this is really going on
Stranger: [53] Isotope> yep
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> this is so friendly
Stranger: [60] Cavia> if this is real, i thought of doing this
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> I loving love this thing
You: i dont understand that, i thought i would dream!
Stranger: [57] Spider> i dont understand that, i thought i would dream!
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> thats bullpie i didnt type that
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> X7
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> X7
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> What
Stranger: [53] Isotope> me too
Stranger: [18] Scart> please someone organise this
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> ur loved up
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> It turns 9 into 3
Stranger: [61] Rebar> no u
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> hahaha
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> What
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> The
Stranger: [53] Isotope> where you guys
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> 6
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> 8
Stranger: [61] Rebar> hello my name is jameS bond
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> i eat croissant
Stranger: [57] Spider> WAHHHHH LOVE YOU ALL
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> Wow
Stranger: [60] Cavia> someone tell me what the current time is
You: huh?
Stranger: [57] Spider> huh?
Stranger: [58] Ohrarieska> wtf
Stranger: [61] Rebar> what u mean cavia
Stranger: [59] IvanTehFennec> It scrambles numbers
You: i said the f word and they came love
Stranger: [57] Spider> i said the f word and then came love
Stranger: [57] Spider> I HATE U ALL
Stranger: [61] Rebar> love
Stranger: [57] Spider was removed from the chat for fuck you too.
THEY REMOVED ME :O Theres a strange power, that want to control us, our enemie!
THEY REMOVED ME :O Theres a strange power, that want to control us, our enemie!
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