
Hello everyone!

I'm german, so why i'm writing English? Because its the language in Omegle! Omegle is a site where you can meet strangers from all over the world. And it certainly is anonymous! In Omegle you can meet the coolest and nicest people and you'll never meet the same person again, thats nearly impossible. But of course there also really ass holes and perverts. But then you can say easy:

On this site we collect the funniest and coolest chats for you. Enjoy!

Hei Leute!
Ich bin Deutsch, wieso ist hier dann alles Englisch? Weil es die Sprache in Omegle ist! Omegle ist eine Seite, auf der man neue Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennenlernen kann: Strangers (Fremde). Und es ist ganz sicher anonym! In Omegle kannst du die coolsten und nettesten Leute treffen und niemals die gleiche Person erneut! Das ist fast unmöglich. Aber natürlich gibt es auch ziemliche Arschlöcher und Perverslinge. Aber in diesem Fall lässt sich schnell und einfach sagen:

In diesem Blog sammeln wir die lustigsten und verrücktesten Gespräche mit unseren Lieblings-Strangern ;) Viel Spaß!


Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

(42) mubarak is gone / egyptic hero ; )

You: hey: )
Stranger: hey :)
Stranger: how are yyou
Stranger: before asl :)
You: unbelivable happy : D
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: wow
You: 15 f germany
Stranger: thats amaazing
Stranger: :)
You: and you ?
Stranger: i am happy coz inam talking to somoene is happy
Stranger: :)
Stranger: am 20
You: lol : D
Stranger: m
Stranger: egypt:)
You: nice
Stranger: so what makes u unbeleivably happy
Stranger: ?
You: my mum allowd me to go to the my chemical romance konzert
Stranger: WOW
Stranger: it is a rock
Stranger: band
Stranger: i heared about it
Stranger: am rocker too \ M /
Stranger: congratulations :)
Stranger: are u there dear :) ?
You: sry
You: : D
You: was away fro a mom : )
Stranger: dont be sorry
Stranger: :)
Stranger: u seem sweet girl
You: : ) its my first concert
Stranger: like all german girls i knew :)
Stranger: wow congratulations
You: lol : D
Stranger: again
You: thx
Stranger: bitte
Stranger: :)
Stranger: :P
Stranger: i know danke and bitte only
Stranger: :
Stranger: D
You: : DD nice
Stranger: so btw u made me happy and smile
You: hey whats about mukarak ?
Stranger: talking to u
You: hes gone xD
Stranger: yes
Stranger: he is gone
Stranger: since 25 jan
You: yeah
Stranger: i was in the revolutioons
Stranger: i took a bullet
Stranger: in my back
You: i followed it in the tv
Stranger: and my leg
Stranger: but i am stil alive
Stranger: i was fighting so hard for my freedome i was ready to die
Stranger: now i feel as a hero and real man i am proud of m self :)
You: wow cool respect
Stranger: the bullet memory will nevr gone
Stranger: and i took about 50 tear gas bomb
Stranger: it was so bad days but surrely the best memeories
Stranger: :)
You: you could tell that your childreen and they will tell it their childreen again ...
You: : D
You: wow really cool
Stranger: yes
Stranger: hey lsiten thats gonna sound odd
Stranger: but
Stranger: i liked the chat so far
Stranger: u seem like adorable person
Stranger: excuse me i naturally like the german people
Stranger: they are friendly alot especialy girl
Stranger: ;D
Stranger: am not saying this coz u are a girl no no
Stranger: just i can tell u are nice and kool
Stranger: :)
You: aww thx
Stranger: and danke for what u said
You: : )
Stranger: and yes i will say this stories for hcildren
Stranger: :)
Stranger: what is ur name :)
Stranger: my name is ahmed
You: nice to meet you ahmed
You: i m johanna
Stranger: wow great name :)
Stranger: the pleasure is mine :) johanna
Stranger: :)
You: : P
Stranger: hey you have msn ?
You: yeah
Stranger: i am online now and i would love to add u
Stranger: :)
Stranger: if u dont mind
Stranger: the egyptian hero wanna have new german friend
Stranger: ;
Stranger: D
You: okay : ) chilloutinferno@hotmail.de
You: : DD
Stranger: will add u now
Stranger: :)
You: : D you definitly come into our blogg
Stranger: blogg
Stranger: ?
Stranger: :D
You: http://strangers-out-there.blogspot.com/
Stranger: srry my engllish isnot perfec
Stranger: i added u
Stranger: mine is
You: : D visit it : ) then you ll see
Stranger: metalhammer_lord_glenntipton@hotmail.com
Stranger: add me as well
You: i added you already
You: oh wait msn doesnt work
Stranger: kool
Stranger: i see u now
Stranger: onlie
Stranger: :P
You: yeah same here

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